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    Main Responsibilities of Hunan provincial environmental protection department

    Main Responsibilities of Hunan provincial environmental protection department

    1.1 to implement national environmental strategies, policies, laws and regulations; to formulate and implement local environmental regulations, ordinances and policies based on local situations


    1.2 to establish municipal environmental strategies, compile and implement local environmental medium and long-term planning and annual plans, which compliant with municipal socio-economic development master plans; to participate in the formulation of municipal socio-economic development master plans, land planning, regional planning and urban development planning; to organize the formulation of urban pollution emission control plans and emission reduction plans; to coordinate big problems occurred in environmental protection


    1.3 to supervise the management of pollution control on ambient air, waterways, soil, noise, radiation, solid waste, toxic chemicals and motor vehicles; to help responsible agencies promoting the adjustment of energy structure; to prevent marine pollution from land sources and costal construction projects


    1.4 to supervise exploitation activities on natural resources which may impose negative ecological impact, important ecological development and ecological reclamation; to supervise and examine environmental protection in natural reserves, scenic areas and forest parks; to supervise biological diversity, wildlife protection, wet land protection; to manage the safety of biological technologies; to take in charge of ecological protection in agriculture and to instruct the development of eco demonstration zones and eco-agriculture industry


    1.5 to investigate and handle big environmental pollution accidents and ecological deterioration events; to coordinate regional environmental pollution conflicts; to take in charge of environmental administrative supervision and inspection; to help managing dedicated fund on pollution source control; to examine local environmental enforcement work


    1.6 to regulate municipal environmental quality standards, pollution emission limits and total quantity limits of pollution emission; to compile urban environmental quality report; to release urban environmental status bulletin and air quality forecast.


    1.7 to organise the implementation of environmental management regulations, such as pollution emission declaring and registering, emission permit license, emission charge and EIA; to supervise and manage various pollution emissions; to examine and check environmental impact assessment report on local construction projects, technology upgrading projects, costal construction projects and regional development projects.


    1.8 to manage environmental monitoring, counting and information sorting; to frame environmental monitoring system and regulation; to establish and manage environmental monitoring network and information network citywide; to organise the monitoring of environmental quality and pollution sources; to examine and audit the competency on environmental impact assessment


    1.9 to coordinate with other relevant agencies and organizations in terms of environmental technology development, scientific research and technological demonstration projects; to coordinate with other relevant agencies on environmental certification; to instruct and promote the development of environmental industry


    1.10 to take in charge of regional and international cooperation and communication relating to local environmental protection; to coordinate international economic cooperation and foreign investment projects relating to local environmental protection; to promote the participation of the public and NGOs in local environmental protection; to deal with foreign-related environmental issues as commissioned by the Municipal Government of Hunan


    1.11 to take in charge of the supervision on radiation, radioactive wastes and the safety of nuclear radiation; to participate in the disposal of emergent radiation accidents; to supervise and manage the radiation pollution control concerning electromagnetic radiation and the application of nuclear technology


    1.12 to take in charge of relevant administration reconsideration, proceeding and responding


    1.13 to undertake other issues commissioned by the Municipal Government of Hunan